In most large developed economies, ultra-loose monetary policies and very high fiscal deficits are considered reasonable responses to high unemployment and depressed production. 在多数大型发达经济体,极度宽松的货币政策和极高的财政赤字,都是应对高失业率和产出低迷的合理政策。
Such monetary accommodation in an increasingly inflation-prone developing Asia spells a persistence of elevated price pressures in this vital segment of the global production chain. 在通胀趋势日益显著的发展中亚洲地区,这种宽松的货币政策意味着,在全球生产链的这一关键环节,高涨的价格压力会持续存在。
Our monetary policy is also an important weapon in developing production and fighting the enemy. 我们的货币政策,也是发展生产与对敌斗争的重要武器。
Under sticky price unanticipated monetary expansion will stimulate the investment in the short run and increase the capital stock in the long run, then bring along production and consumption and markedly magnify welfare effects of the expansive monetary policy at last. 在粘性价格时,扩张性货币政策在短期刺激了投资活动,使资本存量出现了长期的增长,从而带动了长期的生产和消费,最终大大加剧了扩张性货币政策的福利效果。
To tighten the monetary policy, strengthen control over taxes, increase investments in agriculture and readjust the prices of major agricultural produce for stabilizing the production; 紧缩财政,加强税收管理,增加农业投资,调整主要农产品价格,稳定农业生产;
The fund is material good represented by the currency, is the floorboard of the monetary fund and the creditor's rights, is the postulate of the enterprise's production operation activities and of expanding reproduction. 资金是以货币表现的物质资料,是货币资金和债权的总称,是企业生产经营活动和扩大再生产的基本条件。
Their study on the capitalism production mode and other production modes, mainly on the theory of monetary, capital and labor, the theory of production, distribution and exchange, and the theory of economic functioning, has left behind much information of the third configuration thoughts. 他们对资本主义生产方式与其他生产方式的研究,主要是在货币、资本与劳动理论,生产、分配与交换理论,以及经济运行理论等方面的研究,留下了许多第三配置思想资料。
Activities of commodity transform in form, monetary production, finance and insurance aren't productive labor; 用于商品形式转化的活动、用于货币生产的活动、金融和保险等活动不是生产劳动;
At the same time, Marx's Capital Contains the extremely abundant monetary ideas such as media trade, promote production, dispose the resource, control economy, the first motive force and lasting motive force. 同时,马克思的《资本论》也蕴含着极为丰富的货币媒介交易、推动生产、配置资源、调控经济、作为经济增长第一推动力和持续推动力以及中央银行所具有的货币政策职能等重要思想。
Only then under the realization of selling and obtaining the monetary fund, the enterprise can compensate the expense in the management of each kind of production consumption and completes cash conversion cycle. 企业只有在实现销售并取得货币资金,才能补偿企业生产经营中的各种耗费,完成企业资金的循环周转。
Knowledge is gradually replacing monetary capital, labor and raw materials and other tangible resources, become the most key production elements of economic growth, and scarce resources of huge economic value. 知识正在逐渐取代货币资本、劳动力和原材料等有形资源而成为经济增长中关键性的生产要素,具有经济价值的稀缺性资源。
Along with the international economic recovery is slowing down, domestic monetary policy tightening, enterprise production cost increasing rapidly, under the multiple adverse factors squeezing. SMEs face great difficulties of production and management. 另外,随着世界经济复苏放缓、我国货币政策在一定程度上收紧、企业生产成本变高,这些多重不利的因素挤压下,中小型企业的运营面临着很大的困难。
The industry development under monetary policies can be got through economic simulation and the analysis of input-output results in energy sector. Then, production, consumption and other information in the energy and electricity sectors can be extracted. 通过经济模拟和对其中能源行业的投入产出结果分析,可以得到经济政策作用下的行业发展情况,进而提炼出能源、电力部门的产量、用电量等信息。
The rural finance is a general name of the accommodation of monetary fund and all kinds of correlative economic activities in rural area. It provides funds for agricultural production and peasant life. It features prominently in the development of the rural economy. 农村金融是指农村货币资金的融通以及与此有关的各种经济活动的总称,主要为农业生产和农民生活提供资金保障,在农村经济发展中占有重要地位。
Therefore, the dollar as the center for international monetary system caused global production system and international monetary system is not matching contradiction to deepen. 因此,以美元为中心的国际货币体系导致了全球生产体系与国际货币体系不匹配的矛盾深化。
It is difficult to integrate capital structure decisions and production decisions into the model which reflects the interaction between the "real" ( contrasting with monetary or nominal) characteristics of investment/ production and capital structures. 此类研究的难点是把资本结构决策和产出决策同时融合到模型中,使模型结构充分反映企业投资和生产的真实(与货币的或名义的相对应)特征与资本结构之间实际存在的交互影响。
Except for cracking many externalities of agglomeration, This paper also considers the influence of monetary externality to the production. 本文除了探讨集聚的各种外部性外,还考虑了货币外部性(市场潜能)对产出的影响。
The principle of effective demand, expounded by Keynes in the General Theory, is the basic framework for analyzing Monetary Production Economy. 凯恩斯将这种经济成为生产的货币经济,他在《通论》中论述的有效需求原理是分析生产的货币经济的基本框架。